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Understanding the Judging Process
Scholarship judges help you avoid common pitfalls.
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There are a lot of misconceptions about exactly what happens when you submit your scholarship application. We’ve worked with and interviewed some of the longest serving and most active scholarship judges in order to really understand how judges determine which applications win and which applications get passed over.
Introduction to a scholarship winner and a scholarship judge.
Erin Arnold not only won tens of thousand of dollars in scholarships, but now serves on multiple judging committees. She’s here to share the most common mistakes she sees applicants make over and over again.
Most Applications Never Make it to a Scholarship Judge
Despite a lot of hard work, many applications never make it to the actual judging round. Here’s how to make sure your gets its due consideration.
Evaluating a Scholarship’s Eligibility Criteria
Subtle clues can help you gain a strategic advantage over other applicants during the judging process.
Tailoring your Career Path
Multiple opportunities require complex considerations and potential life changing decisions. Don’t limit yourself to only one possibility or you will already be closing yourself off to many high value opportunities.
Your GPA Doesn’t Matter as much as you Think
Many scholarships are grade blind or have reasonable hurdle rates. You need to understand both of these concepts so that you can better evaluate your chances of winning.
The Three Phases of the Application Process - Part 1
For the more valuable scholarships, your application will generally go through a three stage process. Understanding what judges are looking for at each stage will help you tailor your application for success.
The Three Phases of the Application Process - Part 2
For the more valuable scholarships, your application will generally go through a three stage process. Understanding what judges are looking for at each stage will help you tailor your application for success.
The Three Phases of the Application Process - Part 3
For the more valuable scholarships, your application will generally go through a three stage process. Understanding what judges are looking for at each stage will help you tailor your application for success.