An Unbeatable Guarantee:
Earn at least One Thousand Dollars in Scholarships or the Full Scholarship Strategy Program is Free.
Scholarship Strategy was designed by financial aid officers, scholarship winners and scholarship judges, to help students fund their education without having to rely on excessive debt. The program has been delivered to tens of thousands of students who have won millions of dollars in scholarships. In the last ten years, we have continued to update the program, taking into account best practices, and modern scholarship application evaluation standards.
Since we’ve worked with so many students, we know that the program works. This is why we are able to offer a 100% money back guarantee to any student that doesn’t win at least $1000 in scholarships after completing the program.
We designed this program to ease the burden of getting a great education. If a student takes the program and is not able to get scholarships, we don’t want to add to their debt load. This is another reason we offer the money back guarantee. Our experience is that if you go through the whole program and follow our recommendations, you will win scholarships. If you do not, rest assured that you will get your money back, including any taxes or credit card fees that you might have paid.
In North America alone there is over $100 million dollars worth of scholarships that go unclaimed each and every year. In addition, many that are claimed are won by individuals who go uncontested. We show you how to find these scholarships, and how to win them. With this combination of skills, it is very difficult for students not to be successful.
In order to qualify for the guarantee the enrolled student must meet three simple eligibility requirements.
- Be enrolled full time in a degree granting university program that is located in the student’s home country. Unfortunately there are less funds available for international students, and we can’t always promise that scholarships will be available if you are studying abroad.
- Keep a minimum grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. (This is generally equivalent to a C+ average)
- Successfully complete the Scholarship Strategy program and apply for a minimum of three scholarships for each semester that they are enrolled.