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Scholarship Search Secrets
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The largest scholarship winners are masters of scholarship search. Most scholarships are actually not marketed as well as you might think. While scholarship databases, your financial aid office, and your local scholarship counsellor office will have listings of millions of dollars of scholarships, there are many more millions available elsewhere. We’ll show you how to find these diamonds in the rough. Remember, the harder it is to find a scholarship, the less competitive it is likely to be, and the better chance you have at winning it. With more than $100M in scholarships going unclaimed every year, students who take scholarship search seriously are generally very handsomely rewarded.
The Best 'Job' You’ll Ever Have
Scholarship search is a process that continually provides opportunities throughout high school and post-secondary. Learn where, when and how often you will seek scholarship opportunities throughout your educational career.
How To Optimize Your Search
It does take persistence and effort to find scholarship money. Let us show you exactly where to look while implementing strategies to obtain free help from professionals scholarship advisors you can access today.
How To Win Bursaries & Grants
Bursaries and grants provide you with significant financial resources that can be earned in addition to scholarships. Learn where to access this money while avoiding common mistakes that disqualify many students.
Students Loan Benefits
Avoiding students loans altogether can be a large financial mistake. We walk you through the reasons why you may want to consider this option.
Secrets To Increasing Your Expected Scholarship Earnings
Learn how 100k+ scholarship winners prioritize their application processes while leveraging their work to access future opportunities.
Selecting Your First Scholarship
Discovering what scholarship you should apply for first can be misleading. Let us help you pick your first scholarship as choosing the right opportunity will make future applications 10x easier.
When To Launch Your Scholarship Campaign
It’s never too late to start applying for scholarships. Learn the optimal times for the largest financial gains.